🤖 How We Work

Learn about our work process

We use Github issues to track everything, from bugs to features. Here's how we plan and release work:

Sprint Planning

Every week, we hold a Sprint Planning meeting where we use Github Projects to track our progress. Our aim is to add all the tasks that we plan to complete within the following week.


We conduct a weekly release to gather feedback from our users and ensure that we’re on track.

Pull Requests

When it comes to code review, we have a few guidelines to ensure efficiency:

To ensure efficient code review

  1. Create a pull request in draft state as soon as possible.

  2. Be proactive and review other people’s pull requests. Don’t wait for someone to ask for your review; it’s your responsibility.

  3. Assign only one reviewer to your pull request.

  4. It is the responsibility of the PR owner to draft the test scenarios within the PR description. Upon review, the reviewer may assume that these scenarios have been tested and provide additional suggestions for scenarios.

  5. Large, incomplete features should be broken down into smaller tasks and continuously merged into the main branch behind the feature flag.

Cloud Hot Fixes

To implement cloud hot fixes, it is recommended to create a branch from the release branch, instead of the main branch (release/VERSION). Once the changes are made, merge them directly into the release branch and then rebuild the image.

Last updated